!The exploding china rocket!

The china rocket
Chinese alchemists were the major force behind the early invention of gunpowder. Emperor Wu Di of the Han dynasty financed research done by the alchemists on the secrets of eternal life. The alchemists experimented with the sulphur and saltpeter heating the substances to transform them. This Chinese weapon was mostly ment for scaring the men that it was used against because once the flame hit the big red tube full of gun powder it exploded scaring horses and men that had never seen such a sight. Many people thought that china was just making them as fireworks but when other countries wanted to know the technology behind such a weapon the nation song decided to outlaw the trading of saltpeter.

The physics behind this weapon happens most when it's lit. At first your kentic thermal because of the heat of the sparks of the fuse then the rocket launches so it has now kentic mechanical because the rocket is soaring into the air the higher the rocket the goes the more potential gravational it gets then finaly the rocket explodes and potential gravitaional turns into potential chemical and finally boom now the rocket has kentic sound and kentic thermal.
here is a video of the chinese rocket...